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What actually is AI?


What actually is AI?

We hear more and more about the use of artificial intelligence (AI), especially in autonomous driving. But what is it actually?
AI, simply explained, is the attempt to transfer human learning and thinking to computers, thus giving them ‘intelligence’. AI usually describes computer programs that can learn to find solutions. Instead of being programmed for every purpose, an AI can find answers on its own and independently solve the problem it learns.Ist es eigentlich intelligent, Künstliche Intelligenz zu erschaffen?
There is a distinction between strong AI and weak AI when it comes to defining AI. Simply explained, strong AI would be computer systems that can do the work of completing difficult tasks on par with humans. A machine that can solve problems of a general nature – that is still pure fantasy.
We are dealing with weak AI, on the other hand, in everyday life: These are algorithms – and an AI is nothing else, a very complex algorithms – that can answer specific questions whose solution paths they have learned beforehand. An AI has no consciousness of its own and shows no deeper understanding of intelligence.
Examples of AI...

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Written by Carmupedia Editorial Office

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