Innovation 2022 – CCI Study
How the automotive industry is positioned globally in the most important future fields of connectivity, autonomous driving and interfaces
in 2022 – and what is still lacking ?
German OEMs (especially VW) are still leading the innovation ranking, but China and the USA are catching up strongly.
The past decade in particular has been marked by the megatrends of the megatrends of connectivity, autonomous driving and digital driving, digital user experience and e-mobility.
The market potentials
More focus on connected services – less shared mobilty.
One forecast puts the global sales volume in the connected services market at over 200 billion euros by the end of the decade. Accordingly, a manufacturer could generate up to 1,100 euros per vehicle with connected services. The biggest profit pool, with a forecast volume of up to 98 billion euros, is the in-car e-commerce sector. But autonomous driving and vehicle-to-grid services also promise considerable revenues.
What are the Innovation-Trends for the automotive industry?
Technological change
The following future trends will significantly change business models and value creation patterns in this decade. The previously dominant hardware or product orientation, which focuses on the one-off sale of vehicles and equipment features, is shifting towards software and (digital) services, through which a large part of the value creation will be realised in the future.
Connectivity trends – connected services
The connecting of the...
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