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Connected Vehicle Field Test (CVFT 2021/22)


CARUSO* conducted another field test (October 2021- March 2022) with the aim of testing online data availability. OEM portals are used for the data retrieval. Overall, the results were very sobering.
 –  new established B2B2C consent process improve the legal part to access data for e.g. fleet (still not available from all OEMs)
– poor online-data availability: Data retrieval was possible for only 60% of the vehicles (scope: 1600 cars) and only 433 (~1/4 of the scope) were actually telematics capable.
– data coverage: The coverage of connected cars for fleet is still lower
– common data set across all OEMs remains the main issue
– for B2C is still no adequate consent process available

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Written by Carmupedia Editorial Office

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