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Big Data in the developement of connected cars


Data management in the development of autonomous driving functions

A distinction must be made between the collection of data during the operation of the vehicle, i.e. regularly purchased and registered vehicles, and development vehicles.

“Standard data”
In general, the type and amount of data collected varies from OEM to OEM. In recent years, most OEMs have started to collect basic values such as location, odometer, speed, RPM, diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs), and so on. This currently collects around 50 megabytes of data per month per vehicle from “standard data”.

Development data
One of the biggest challenges in the development of autonomous vehicles is data collection and data management. Today’s test prototypes typically house between four and six cameras and one to five LiDAR sensors, which continuously produce complex data sets. An average Level 3 test vehicle produces about 150 TB of data per day (the equivalent of 38,400 two-hour HD movies or 30 million songs). A fleet of 10 to 20 research vehicles collects 1.5 Peta Byte of data per day.
It would take more than 150 days to transfer it via a 5G network to the research labs. A real hurdle for the...

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Written by Carmupedia Editorial Office

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