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Top Five Questions About 6G Technology


6G the 5G successor

As 5G continues to roll out, work is already well underway on its successor. 6G wireless technology brings with it a promise for a better future. No ImageAmong other goals, 6G technology intends to merge the human, physical, and digital worlds.
Extremely high data rates are transmitted reliably, without delay and increasingly sensitive to the environment. These are mainly combinations of already known application profiles, mostly in ever higher frequency ranges, to meet the requirements of visionary use cases.
Sensorik und Mobilfunk zu kombinieren, gilt beispielsweise als eine wertvolle Weiterentwicklung aller bisherigen Standards.

  • higher data rate (up to 50 times faster than 5G)
  • less latency (~close to real time)
  • smaller cell structure, through shorter distances

Many use cases like Car2X, autonomous driving, digital twins and IOT will be dramaticaly improved in their possibilities, based on edge computing, artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML) and...

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