The Safety Related Traffic Information (SRTI) Ecosystem was created by the Data Task Force members for the exchange of data and information under the terms and conditions of the Multi Party Agreement and thus creating a trust domain for that exchange.
Connected Vehicle Field Test (CVFT 2021/22)
CARUSO* conducted another field test (October 2021- March 2022) with the aim of testing online data availability. OEMOEM – Original Equipment Manufacturer. More portals are used for the data retrieval. Overall, the results were very sobering.
– new established B2B2C consent process improve the legal part to access data for e.g. fleet (still not available from all OEMs)
– poor online-data availability: Data retrieval was possible for only 60% of the vehicles (scope: 1600 cars) and only 433 (~1/4 of the scope) were actually telematics capable.
– data coverage: The coverage of connected cars for fleet is still lower
– common data set across all OEMs remains the main issue
– for B2C is still no adequate consent process available
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