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ISO/SAE 21434 – “Road vehicles – Cybersecurity engineering”


ISO/SAE 21434: The new automotive cybersecurity standard

Cars are capable of more and more every day. What was considered as engineering art many years ago is gradually becoming a driving computer with an incredible amount of possibilities, up to completely autonomous driving in the future. Of course, this makes life easier for many people, but it also provides a lot of vulnerability to cyber-attacks, since more technology means more interfaces.

As of July 2022, the ISO/SAE 21434 standard is to be introduced worldwide.

ISO/SAE 21434 is the new security standard for cyber security in vehicles, valid since September 31, 2021, and aims to defend the entire automotive industry against hacker attacks from the beginning of the supply chain, through actual use, to safe scrapping. The aim is to prevent the loss of highly sensitive data as well as life-threatening scenarios.

With over-the-air updates, infotainment, and integration of mobile devices and cloud-based services, the connected vehicle offers a driving experience with the latest in safety, autonomy, and driver comfort. Robust cybersecurity measures must be integrated into all aspects of vehicle design to protect critical functions and back-end networks that serve them from cyberattacks.

Safety leads to new opportunities

As all aspects of technology become more interconnected, adequate protection against cyber threats becomes increasingly important. Robust cybersecurity measures are needed to prevent attackers from using...

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Written by Carmupedia Editorial Office

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